There are so many aspects of starting and running a successful internet business that includes diet for idiots and getting comfortable with making important decisions is one of them. So many speed bumps are encountered just as soon as a person decides to thrown their hat in the ring. We are obviously all different, and some adapt more readily than others. The amount of knowledge and information you have to take-in looks intimidating, too, and that is assuming you know where you should start. You have seen the largest businesses in the world make the wrong decision about something, and so you should not ever fear that. The difference is with more experience the mistakes are fewer. We are always pretty excited to talk about approaches that could be new to you because that means we are sharing our success with you. There are plenty of different kinds of web design mistakes that can be made, and what you do just depends on your knowledge level. Of course it all depends on who is doing your design work, but even if you outsource this it is good to be able to recognize them. So the question that arises here is - what could be these mistakes and how can you avoid them? The more you learn about what hinders a positive experience and even conversions, the more successful you will be with your business. So you've designed the perfect website and have everything in place, but the contact page seems to be missing - bad idea. You simply cannot overlook this important consideration, and it really is for your readers, anyway. If you have a lot of visitors or customers, then you will just need to have this in case there are problems, etc. Getting consistent feedback from your visitors will allow you to improve your site and include content that your visitors actually want to see. So we hope it is obvious as to why you really must have a contact page. If you really want to be terribly old-fashioned, then go ahead and play music on your site. Music is so passe, and people just do not like it - and we are among them, too. If you really do want to play any type of audio file, whether it's music or just a two minute intro speech from you, then let the user start it. The audio could be a guided tour or something that is helpful to the visitor, but still playing it automatically upon arrival is not a good idea. The consequences of violating these recommendations is a very high bounce rate which will sink your site. There has to be a balance in everything that you do with your website's design and the audio isn't anything different. You can take any one of these methods and really go all out in your business because they will open up new venues for you, to be sure. We suppose many people are close-minded in matters like this because maybe they are arrogant or simply go through life like that. While has been used successfully over the years, it may not work with your model or you just do not want to take the time to test it. One solid piece of advice we can give you is to learn more about the history of anything involving marketing methods and things of that nature, and that is why marketing forums can be so valuable. You probably are well aware of the dangers of skipping over checking things out. We know how it feels to be alone and working on this stuff, and so it can feel bewildering at times trying to figure out if something is for real. The thing about this is it is totally understandable for beginners to IM to have this kind of unfortunate luck. We are not worried about what we are telling you about today, but since you do not know us - then that means you have to verify everything. What you will usually end up doing is not wasting your time and money. We all have messy houses and apartments sometimes, but a messy website is the kiss of death. Usually, younger visitors will not be so annoyed by a busy site, and then again it will depend on what is going on. There are all kinds of ways you can pack too many graphics in your site. You can almost always find a way to make something work, however there really is only so much you can place on a site. How important something is will need to be called by you, and so that is why we feel testing is so important. All users want a pleasant and enjoyable experience, and that is the clear case for making your site clean and organized. This entire subject of website design and the mistakes that can easily occur is very large in scope, so always continue learning.
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