Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Confidential Conversions Review - Must Know Information

CPA marketing, or advertising, holds a definite and strong lure for very many online marketers, even though there are plenty of other methods for making money on the net. Lots of companies generate leads with CPA offers, Cost Per Action offers, and they do it by giving something away for free, and the marketer who refers the visitor gets paid when that person completes an offer. This course, Confidential Conversions, is all about CPA marketing, and the goal is teach both experienced and inexperienced how to be successful with CPA advertising/marketing. The course was created by Philip Mansour who is a highly successful and experienced affiliate/CPA marketer.

His course contains simple and direct instruction on CPA advertising, as well as the best ways to market your offers and make money. But keep aware that the course is not about how to do internet marketing; this is a specialized course solely about CPA marketing. Another exciting aspect to the course is you'll discover PPC advertising networks that you can use, and these are networks very many people either don't know about, or bother with. These ad networks have been around for a while, but not many people have used them - but you can make serious money with them.

So what makes Confidential Conversions different from the crowd?

You'll find this course is different in multiple ways, even though the web is way overcrowded with marketing courses. First, no old and outdated information as the course contains new approaches. All those PPC networks we mentioned before will be used by you, and you'll be shown how, for obtaining even cheaper CPC fees while getting highly targeted traffic. Your conversion rates will be even higher because Philip shows you how to do it. So, all of that will be dealt with in 30 plus videos contained within 3 training modules. Continue reading to learn more about those three instructional training modules.

Module 1: Network Traffic Reconnaissance - Even though Google, Bing and Yahoo! have dominated the PPC space, there are many other small players in the market that are being tapped by top marketers to generate high traffic to their CPA offers. So that's the goods on this module; you'll learn all about these smaller PPC platforms, plus you'll learn how to realize lower ad costs. These smaller venues have some magical way of changing perspectives for marketers once they get involved and see what's going on. You'll realize even higher ROI after Philip takes you through campaign optimization which produces lower costs for your PPC ads. Business on the net involves making many choices depending on your particular model, marketing and advertising methods such as using Unique Article Wizard or related approaches. Perhaps one of the most challenging periods is in the beginning when confusion and doubt tend to run high.

But still, that is really no reason to stress over it because it is just a normal part of all business. Bear in mind that millions have gone before you, and you are capable of learning how to cope with new experiences. Mistakes are part of it all, and there is no escaping that simple fact of business life. Those who have been at it for longer have made their mistakes, and now they do not make so many of them. We are always pretty excited to talk about approaches that could be new to you because that means we are sharing our success with you.

Module 2: Mobile Match Maker - Have you heard about the mobile PPC ad platforms that aren't being used hardly at all by internet marketers? You'll discover how to take your CPA offers and make a killing in this untapped area. It's great because most online marketers have largely ignored mobile marketing, and what's even better is you'll be shown the best converting CPA offers to use. So, mobile marketing and advertising is what this module deals with, exclusively. Most of the time you can know if a new approach is a good idea, but sometimes you never know until you test it. If commission vantage is something you have yet to try, then of course you should perform a small test, first, just to work out any bugs. When you are reading about new strategies or ways of promotion, what you have to think about is how much you want to develop your overall web presence. Very many online businesses are extremely serious, and therefore they will always be interested in adding new revenue streams. The gains you can realize by scaling what you have going on with any advertising and your marketing can make all the difference. In the end, a long time from now, just be sure you do not look back and wish you would have considered more options.

Module 3: Artificially Organic - This one is a little mysterious, but basically you will be shown how to achieve high rankings in search engines.

This isn't another secret SEO thingy, but it is a unique method that Philip uses and he'll show you.

CPA advertising has been white hot in the past several years and with good reason, Confidential Conversions is a resource you can take advantage of to really get a handle on CPA and do something with it. Careful you do not get caught up in the shiny new object thinking because that could lead you to dismiss powerful strategies like There are lots of successful people online, and they are missing out on so much more profit because they got tunnel vision. You have read about several new approaches, maybe new to you, and that combination is full of incredible new things for your business.

See if you can work out a way to just perform an experiment with a method or two, and be sure you track your results. If you do not have the funds to buy courses and ebooks, then one solution is to join marketing and online business forums and do some background reading. Using any method for the first time is filled with trepidation, but that will go away soon enough with experience. Only you know what is best for your business, so just be sure you integrate it as smoothly as possible.

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