Saturday, September 24, 2011

Make Sure your Doing the Right SEO for Panda

Since the release of Google Panda there's been a buzz going on in and around search engine optimization and how it will or will not affect websites. Allot more the 50% of the Community are worried about the affect of Panda. There's blogs popping up everywhere, and forums are filled with posts about Panda and keyword ranking now that Panda is working. So we thought now would be a good time to try to sort through it all and give you a clearer picture of what Google Panda is and what effect it might have on your website(s).

Panda, also known as Farmer, is a machine learning algorithm that uses empirical data from a massive database for the computers to evolve behaviors. Simply put, it's a type of artificial intelligence. But we've always dealt with algorithms from Google, what so different now with Panda? Glad you asked.

Google is and has the largest amount of data in the world. It has stored every single website and since the dawn of the web to right not as more and more websites are being created. It also has a huge amount of data stored pertaining to how people behavior on the web - which sites people trust, which sites people spend the most time at, and where people surf. This is way panda is so good at what it does, it allows Google to use there vast amount of data and catigorize websites with a computer.

Up until now, webmasters for the most part have been building websites by adding quality content, doing research on keywords and then using the appropriate keywords, allowing the search engines access to the their site, and then working to get some backlinks to it. There is a bit more to it but, thats it in it's simplest form. while allot of these stratigies still work, Google has change the way you should look at your website. The catch here is that now the trustworthiness of your site and user engagement ability.

The introduction of Panda may result in sites with poor quality content demoted in their search engine rankings and it may also result in the downgrading of sites that many users would love to never see again. The main types of sites are affiliate review sites, scraper sites and price comparison sites.

Overall Google is doing a decent job combating low quality sites. You can also expect the following to occur. Forum links will lose their value, low quality links will lose their value, and site wide links from a single domain will now be targeted. According to Google there may be manual exceptions made when quality sites are inadvertently targeted by Panda.

Now that you know what Panda is about, let's look at things you can do to help stay in Panda's good books. Suddenly being the best SEO Guru isn't nearly as important as having a passion for what you website is about.

1. Content is King - Create unique content of the highest quality. Provide your visitors with real value and Google Panda will see you as a good guy.

2. Design - Keep your website design light and easy to view. Avoid confusion, with easy to follow menus.

3. Advertisements - Avoid plastering your pages full of ads that make readability difficult and make Panda unhappy.

4. Links - Build only quality links from relevant sites.

5. Social Media - Encourage visitors to talk about what they like with Twitter tweets and Facebook likes.

For those running legitimate sites there is little to fear, only some changes in the way you do business on your website. For those low quality sites that offer little value to their visitors, it seems there may be plenty to worry about.

Get a Web Site built or promote your website in the Search Engines with Search Engine Optimization on the Gold Coast

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